As autumn draws to a close and gardens become dull, what to choose as winter flowers to brighten up a bed.

As the last autumn asters and bruyeres fade, it’s a good idea to plan for perennials (which re-flower every year) that will take over until spring: winter bruyeres (pink balls), cyclamen (mini), hellebore (white), will be perfect perennials and will brighten up your beds (see attached photo). Then, at the end of winter, crocuses (yellow here) and euphorbia characias (acid-green bushes) will mark the coming change of season and bring a touch of light.

Alternatively, you can opt for pansies and primroses to complete the picture (not shown here). So as not to look too “roundabout”, plant them randomly in small patches of color (limit yourself to two shades). Don’t hesitate to put some at the foot of certain potted plants that have lost their interest at this time of year…

winter flowers for beds free garden design