Ludo (Switzerland), tested how to design his garden entrance at the foot of his chalet with our software.

To mark out the space and differentiate it from the parking lot, it’s important to mark out this entrance to the garden: an arch with a climbing plant is ideal for this, and can be replaced by two large pots planted with evergreen shrubs to keep them green at all times. In the mountains, avoid freezing materials, and systematically pierce the bottom of pots so that water doesn’t stagnate and freeze the roots of your plants.

Space permitting, it’s a good idea to plant high beds (1.50 m) on either side, which will partially hide the garden and accentuate the effect of theentrance , which you’ll want to pass through to see what’s behind.

Don’t forget to include at least one Japanese step on the floor, or even a gravel path to guide visitors.

designing your garden entranceYoutoo can design your own garden entrance with our intuitive website:free garden design