example of garden design with My Garden Designer, before and after
example of garden design with My Garden Designer, before and after

Welcome to Mon Jardin Ma Terrasse.com. On this page, we present the most successful garden and terrace designs created by users ofour My Garden Designergarden software. You can use them as inspiration for your own outdoor design. To begin with, we present a Mediterranean/exotic garden design created in the south of France (min -7°C). This proposed layout obviously requires the soil to be worked and enriched. The plant budget for this exotic garden is €700, excluding turf and topsoil, for a surface area of 200 m². here’s what it looked like before: light logo background and here’s the design proposal I came up with after 15 minutes of using my garden designer software – how cool is that? cropped end It’s up to you: https://www.monjardin-materrasse.com/client/inscription/etape1