Jocelyne (Nord) wanted to create a contemporary balcony terrace.

To do this, she ran a simulation on our website, enabling her to visualize what she would be able to fit out.

Here are a few rules for successful terrace design:

>choose large containers to allow plants (shrubs, bushes, perennials) to develop properly

>reserve small pots for annual flowers (i.e. those that die after flowering)

>if possible, install an automatic sprinkler system to facilitate maintenance, or opt for a rainwater collection system

>drain pot bottoms with clay balls

>avoid pots with water reserves in regions where it often freezes.

>choose plants adapted to your environment, not necessarily the ones you “flash” on in the garden center. For example, you can use our site, which automatically recommends these good plants to you.


Contemporary balcony-terrace design

If you too would like to design your own contemporary balcony terrace, don’t hesitate to try us out:y