A move is a sign of renewal, of a new holiday destination, so you need a garden worthy of the name! Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your garden.


Before you start landscaping your garden, don’t forget to take care of all the administrative formalities, such as commissioning your meter. You can do this through your supplier. If you are an EDF customer, all you have to do is notify us of your move. Here you will find all the information you need to complete the procedure. If your electricity is cut off, you will need to call an Enedis technician. To find out more about how to make an appointment with Enedis, here’s a detailed article.


Find out about your garden

The first tip is the most important. To be able to design and arrange your garden, you need to know what it’s made of and its properties. You’ll also need to know more about the soil in your garden. For this, you can learn about nutrients and its
(acidity). If you want to know whether a floor is of good composition, simply look to see if it crumbles well. If you’d like to find out for yourself what’s special about your garden, you can always buy kits to test your soil, or ask a professional.


Environmental conditions

For your plants to flourish, you need to know whether the climate and level of sunlight in your garden will suffice. It’s best to avoid plants that need moist heat if your climate is very humid and not very warm. It seems obvious, but it’s often restrictive not to be able to choose everything you want according to your tastes and more according to the environment.


Provide space


So you can relax, eat, read and let nature take its course. Your garden should reflect your personality and allow you to relax. If for you relaxation means intensive gardening, then opt for a large vegetable garden and lots of plants. If, on the other hand, you want to have a beautiful garden but don’t want to maintain it on a daily basis, you should opt for a “wild” corner that will allow bees and other insects to flourish in your garden.


Get help

To create the garden of your dreams, you’ll need a little help. After all, it’s never easy to start a garden from scratch and imagine what it will look like when it’s finished. You can imagine your garden by viewing it in 2D on our website. Create your garden in 2D and add or remove elements to see the result. It’s a way for you to do the layout yourself and still have a plan of how it’s going to look – handy, isn’t it?