Once you’ve researched the sensations you’d like to find in your garden design, then determine the style or atmosphere you’d like to create. We’ve defined your expectations for the use of this future landscape.

Today, we’re going to take a look at your space and its constraints.


Take a blank sheet of paper and NOTE down your answers – this will help you later.


First of all, which part of your garden does your project concern?

Does it concern part or all of the garden, surface area: ….m²,




Environmental constraints.

Your garden is in constant interaction with its environment, and knowing it well will help you make the right choices:


Along with exposure, it’s a crucial parameter when choosing plants, and one you need to know in order to make the right choice. If you’re new to the area, ask your neighbors and see what they’re growing, often the best possible indicator.

Minimum winter temperature: ….°C, maximum summer temperature: …°C,


General sun exposure :

An essential parameter for choosing the right plants, a north-facing garden receives 50% less sunlight than a south-facing one!

Note: if your outdoor space is in the shade of a large deciduous tree (e.g. plane tree), consider it as shaded.

Important / sunny: more than 3 hours of direct light in winter

Medium / Semi-shade: less than 3 hours of direct light in winter

Low / shady: almost no direct sunlight in winter


Soil quality :

Soil quality and texture are decisive factors in plant selection. To keep things simple, and without going into too much detail, we can say that there are 3 types:


2=ordinary/ Ph neutral


In fact, some plants are specific to a particular type of soil, so planting them in your garden if the soil is not naturally suited to them will require a great deal of effort and maintenance. For example, to plant a plant with acid soil (hydrangea, rhododendron, camellia) in clay soil, you’ll need to make a very large hole and add a large quantity of acidifying mix (e.g. peat). It’s often simpler to choose tolerant plants and, if you really want to have an unsuitable one, to put it in a large pot.

Another criterion can be taken into account: the level of humus. Certain plants, mainly found in undergrowth, require humus-rich soil, i.e. soil rich in decomposing plant elements. You can then easily top up annually by adding large quantities of compost and enriching before planting with a suitable potting soil.


Lastly, some plants require draining soil, i.e. soil which by its very nature will not retain water for too long, as is the case with many Mediterranean plants. If, on the other hand, your soil is full of water or very clayey, you can add gravel stones to the soil mix at planting time, as these create interstices through which water can drain away.



Soil moisture :

As we have just seen, soil moisture can be due to the quality of the soil, but also to the environment itself: the presence of a watercourse or natural pond, hilly terrain, humid regions or regions with frequent rainfall, etc.

Wet area: if yes, what surface: ……… what sunshine: ……………… Dry area: if yes, what surface: ……… what sunshine: ……………………

Wind, sea spray: specify origin N, S, E, W, and strength: light, medium, strong

Neighborhood: trees or views that can be a nuisance or, on the contrary, can be enhanced (e.g. sea view), always keep in mind: ………………………………………………………………………………………….


Describe the affected area ……………………………………………………

Would you like to keep existing elements?

If not, specify existing plants or landscaping to be removed:———————————————————————————– ————————————————————

If yes, specify the plants (if recognized) or existing landscaping to be retained : ————————————————————————————————————————————————-

In this case, please specify the flowering color of the plants——————————————-



After determining the sensations, style or atmosphere you want, then define your expectations regarding theuse of your exterior. we come Finally, we study your space and its constraints.

Next step: choosing plants.