
After logically researching the sensations you want to find in your garden design, then determine the style or atmosphere you want. We have defined your expectations in terms of use and studied the constraints of your space. Today we are going to define the choice of plants to be planted


Take a blank sheet of paper and NOTE down your answers to help you later.


First and foremost:

If you don’t know the name, take a photo with your telephone, pick a leaf and a flower and ask a nurseryman.

Otherwise, go to a dedicated forum and ask the experts who will be delighted to help you(http://www.aujardin.org/, http://www.webjardiner.com/, http://www.jardiner-malin.fr/forum/…).

Which plants would you most like to see growing there?

Flowering plants: roses, grouped flowers, cut flowers (large flowers), bulbs…

Bedding plants, rockery plants, ground covers, perennials…

Climbing plants, Fragrant…

Tree (>7m), Shrub(3à7m), Shrub (<3m)…

Heather earth plants (Hydrangea, Rhododendron, Azalea)…

Topiary (ball-shaped boxwood, pruned yew, etc.),

Mediterranean plants (Lavender, Rosemary, Olive…), exotic plants (Palm, Cactus…)

Bamboo, Water plants, Bulbs, Grasses (herbs…)


Obviously, the space available, your choice of style, the space and its constraints will then guide what is possible or not in terms of choice.



If you want specific plants (e.g. pink wisteria like your friend’s): ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Your favorite colors :

Feuillages :———————————————————————————————————————————————————

Fleurs :————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

Rq: flowering period (e.g. for a holiday home, you might as well flower when you’re there): summer, autumn, winter, spring.

Plantes que vous ne voulez pas : allergisantes, toxiques, qui piquent…———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–

Couleurs que vous ne voulez pas : —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————


With this list, you’ll be able to define which one is right for you and which one isn’t when you talk to a professional(landscaper, gardener, nurseryman).


After determining the sensations, the style or the atmosphere, then defining theuse of your home and its constraints, we’ve just specified the choice of plants.

The next step is to create and maintain the garden. How much time should you devote to this? .